Dear Gentlemen,
We are on holidays till the 6th of January .
Whatever made this year a difficult one, we encourage you to take the time to find the good.
Christmas won’t be special without you. We are all hoping that you have a fantastic holiday season and a fabulous New Year wherever you are. We wish you happiness and peace, not just this Christmas, but for the entire year.
Our wonderful girls will return back soon to warm you and give great, unforgettable time!
Don’t miss us, we will be back soon:)
Looking forward to see you again in January
Kind regards
Милые девушки, мы ушли на каникулы и начнем наше сотрудничество с 6 января во Франции и в Италии.
С Уважением, наша команда Russian-Girls-Ror.Me
Ждём ваших заявок в любое время в разделе кастинг.